viernes, abril 13, 2007

El cambio climático y los hijos de puta de siempre

Parece ser que ahora se ha puesto de moda entre los lobbys de siempre financiar documentales con nulo contenido científico real, en los que o bien se pone en duda la causa humana del cambio climático, o se argumenta que ya es demasiado tarde para hacer nada, así que a seguir contaminando.

No merece ni la pena ni entrar a comentar el nivel moral de los grupos de presión que se ocultan detrás de estos "estudios científicos", ni de las fuerzas políticas que los sustentan. Así que en lugar de eso pondré un video youtubero de una de las mejores bandas de punk rock, que con un clon del Jesús a la cabeza, ya hace años que canta sobre, entre otras cosas, la necesidad de hacer algo con respecto al cambio climático.

It's a matter of prescience
No, not the science fiction kind
It's all about ignorance,
and greed, and miracles for the blind
the media parading, disjointed politics
founded on petrochemical plunder
and we're its hostages

If you stand to reason
you're in the game
the rules might be elusive
but our pieces are the same
and you know if one goes down we all go down as well
the balance is precarious as anyone can tell
this world's going to hell

Don't allow
this mythologic hopeful monster to exact its price
Kyoto now!
We can't do nothing and I think someone else will make it right

You might not think it matters now
But what if you are wrong
You might not think there's any wisdom in a fucked up punk rock song
But the way it is
cannot persist for long
a brutal sun is rising on a sick horizon

It's in the way
we live our lives
exactly like the double-edge of a cold familiar knife
and supremacy weighs heavy on the day
it's never really what you own but what you threw away
and how much did you pay?

In your dreams
You saw a steady state a bounty for eternity
Silent screams
but now the wisdom that sustains us is in full retreat
Don't allow
this mythologic hopeful monster isn't worth the risk
Kyoto now!
We can't have vision for the future if it can't be fixed
We need a fresh and new religion to run our lives
Hand in hand
the arid torpor of inaction will be our demise

Oh, Kyoto now!

1 comentario:

Fran dijo...

Ya habias tardado en poner a los Bad Religion por aqui, no?

Freddy Mercury + cantante de Bad Religion = Jesus

Por cierto, la proxima vez que vaya Bad Religion por Barcelona, pilla al Jesus y pasate por la cola a la puerta del concierto... en plan experimento, para ver que pasa... xDD